Girls, don't be sad!
Hi, I am Munirah. Here is my tazkirah. When someone who is so meaningful for you goes away, do not be sad, you can lose yourself and you will forget that you are priceless. The one who gives you happiness that you can't explain will always be a reason of your sadness that you can't explain. You can choose to feel sad of what you lose in your life or happy of what you have. The deepest pain is unseen by eyes. The deepest sadness is unsaid by words. Nobody is very tough in this life. Everybody feels the sadness but they sometimes pretend to smile, This life is a choice. Whatever makes you sad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, hold it. We should never put too high expectations on someone. Believe in yourself even though you are in sadness because the greatest motivator in your life is yourself. Allah SWT always have the best one for you. He has the best solution for your every problem, relieving feeling for your sadness, and happiness that waits for you. Read the al-Qur'an when you feel stress, and it will make you feel calm. Keep smile, girls :)
Hello, I am Nur Aini. My topic is about pray. Let's put this into perspective. When you're at work, do you ever go to the bathroom and take up to say five minutes? Do you have time to sit down and watch tv show or the news in a day? Do you find time to get in the internet and play games, browse online catalogs or social networks ? If you answered yes to anyone of those questions then it's easy to know how muslim find the time to pray five times a day. We can pray just about anywhere so finding a location is not an issue and we don't have to spend anything. It does not take very long to pray either. Most prayers will fall somewhere between four to eight minutes. This can be influenced a lot by which surahs you choose to recite from the Qur'an.
Cover your aurah, girls !
Hi, my name is Siti Mastura. I want to talk about aurah. Girls self-esteem is too previous. Islam commands us to cover aurah properly and keep the aurah of men who are not mahram. Cover aurah is the command of Allah. Islamic clothing for women it is not only to cover aurah even while closing her honor as a Muslim of women. Non-muslim could be liked to convert to Islam. If you cover your aurah, you can also avoid the vices. Besides that, if you not cover your aurah properly, it is a sin and you will be rewarded with a painful punishment. Lastly, Islam is really beautiful and thank you for reading my tazkirah.
Of Sadness And Blessing
Hello and Assalamualaikum. I'm Nur Izzati and I would like to share my story with you all. Woke up in the morning and thinking how we thought we were alone. But, actually we're not alone! I remember that one week, my motivation was very low, I had something that bothers me so much and it maybe concern my future. My heart wasn't at ease at all. But, true! Allah is All-Knowing. As I was reading the Quran that day, I remember it was Surah at-Taubah, ayat 40. It felt like Allah purposely let me read that ayat that day and that time to tell me that "Don't be sad, Allah is with us!" Yes don't be sad. As if He knows what exactly is going on inside my mind, but then again, He really knows. After calming myself, I could feel a sense of peace that wasn't present for the past few days and at that exact moment, I thought, I'm not alone. I was never alone. Since that day, I learn to let the thing that bothers me go and learnt how to bless because I believe in Allah. I know He's planning something greater for me.
Study well ;)
Assalamualaikum, my name is Amirah Nur Amanina. My topic is about studying manners. We must be sincere and heart as Allah intended. Study with the intention to get rid of ignorance of self and after having the knowledge we have to teach it to others. Teach it to others in many ways, allowing others benefit our knowledge. Next, we must always be diligent and earnest in their studies to avoid feeling lazy. Then, avoid immoral. We should brings the culture of amar ma'ruf and nahi munkar in ourselves and the surroundings in accordance with the existing capabilities. We should never opened the way to immoral to foothold in our hearts. We must find a good friend too. Choose friends who will lead us towards goodness. We must always keep the feeling of our parents and teachers and respect them. We need their blessing. That's all, thank you for reading. ^^